Friday, February 1, 2013

Manhattan Beach Dentist Advises: 8 Ways To Keep Your Mouth Healthy

Dr. Bryan Baker, a Manhattan Beach dentist, found this article to share on his blog about the importance of oral health. This article talk abouts 8 different ways you can maintain your oral health in effective ways:
Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are the ABCs of oral health, but they're only the beginning. A marvelous mouth takes more than squeezing paste out of a tube -- think improving your toothbrushing technique, ditching the daily soda habit, and saying good-bye to cigarettes.
David Leader, DMD, an assistant clinical professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in Boston, outlines eight oral care musts for a healthy mouth. 
  1. Pay a visit. If you're prone to ditching the dentist, you're among the roughly 50% of adults in the United States who don't see a dentist yearly because of dental phobia, finances, or just plain neglect. But spend some quality time with your dentist (twice a year, the American Dental Association advises), and you'll catch problems such as decay, gum disease, trauma, or cancer at an early stage when they're treatable, not to mention more affordable to take care of.  
Count the years. Toddlers and older adults tend to fly under the dental health radar, but they need mouth maintenance just like the rest of us. Children should see a dentist by the time they're 1, and until they are coordinated enough to tie their own shoes they'll need help cleaning their teeth. Older folks have their own oral issues. Arthritis can make brushing and flossing challenging, and as people age, the amount of saliva they produce decreases, which means more tooth decay and also discomfort for those who wear dentures.
To continue reading the full article, Dr. Baker, your Manhattan Beach dentist recommends visiting Web MD's website:

If you are looking for a dentist in the South Bay, please do no hesitate to contact
South Bay Dental Solutions. We are located in Manhattan Beach, CA and provide all general and cosmetic dental services.

South Bay Dental Solutions
1213 Manhattan Avenue  
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 545-5910

Follow us on Twitter: @mbteeth 


  1. Thank you for sharing an important dental health tips and advices.
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